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30 For 30 Workouts

August 23 (3/6/9/12/15)

Reps: 3-6-9-12-15

Movements: Front Squat, Thruster, Shoulder Press.

Weight: non-weighted Barbell (45 lbs.), or 25 lb. DBs (50 lbs)

Points: 50 points

ie: 3 front squat, 3 thrusters, 3 shoulder press...6 front squat, 6 thrusters, 6 shoulder press....9...12...15.

Beach Swole

8 Rounds

-12 DB Bench Press

-12 Bent over Rows

-12 Burpees

70 points

Stormy 2.0

9 rounds

23 sit-ups

64 jump-ropes

6 burpees

27 air-squats

19 push-ups


Burpee Excuse Me

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes...

10 pushups...1 Burpee

9 Pushups...2 Burpees

8 Pushups...3 Burpees

7 Pushups...4 Burpees

6 Pushups...5 Burpees

5 Pushups...6 Burpees

4 Pushups..7 Burpees

3 Pushups...8 Burpees

2 Pushups...9 Burpees

1 Pushup...10 Burpees

50 Points

If you can do 10 pushups and 10 burpees every minute for 10 minutes (I witnessed Destefano complete this) =100 points

Da Wiz

10- hand release push ups


10-cals (rower or assault bike)

20-DB shoulder press

10-KB swings


30 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)


7 Rounds with Tyson

7 Calories Assault Bike

7 Pullups

7 Jump Squats

100 Meter Sprint

7 Hanging Cleans

7 Burpees

7 Weighted Goblet Squats

x7 Rounds

82nd Airborne

Partner Workout. The goal is to complete 82 total reps/cals between the 2 of you. The partner who is not actively doing the workout is holding a 45lb dumbell. The dumbell is then handed off to the other partner while they complete as many reps as they can. The dumbell should not hit the ground from the start of the workout until the very end. 

82 Calories Assault Bike

82 Calories Rower

82 Pullups

82 Pushups

82 Toes to Bar (Substitute Hanging leg lifts)

82 Airsquats

82 Burpees

82 Get Ups

82 Box Jumps

82 Lunges

Points - 75

Deck of Cards 2.0

52 cards in a deck, each suit represents an exercise, the face number represents the amount of reps, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13 and Ace=1 or 14

Shuffle the deck, Flip over a card and that will determine the exercise and amount of reps.

♥️= push-ups

♣️= walking lunges (each leg)

♦️= jump squat

♠️= 100 meter sprint followed by 2 zero count burpees

****Intermediate Fitness Challenge****

Ace- 14 reps

♠️- 100 meter sprint followed by amount of burpees reflecting the number on card.


21-Thrusters (Weighted barbell or DB )

21-Pull ups



15-Pull ups

15-Sit ups


9-Pull ups

9-Sit ups

Every minute on the minute...10 cal assault bike to a max of 100 (10 minutes total)

Every minute on the minute...10 Cal rower to a max of 100 (10 minutes total)

September 2022

5 Rounds:

-2 laps of running (choose your distance)

-15 reps DB Bench

-15 reps of barbell dead lift

-15 reps of clean and press (45 lb. plate)

August 2022

25 minutes total

-Jog 50-100 meters

-one person picks an exercise that the group will do (ie: 20 pushups)

-Jog 50-100 meters

-a different person picks an exercise

-Jog 50-100 meters

*continue this rotation until 25 minutes is completed

Terrible Tire

5 Rounds Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)

  1. Tire Pull 30' (Backwards then Forwards)

  2. Burpee Box Jumps

  3. 10 Goblet Squats then walking lunges

  4. 45 lb. Plate Clean and Press (Touch ground then over head)

  5. 8 cal Assault Bike

Destefano Tremens

"D.T.s" (Destefano Tremens)

5 Rounds

-12 deadlifts

-9 hanging cleans

-6 push press

50 lb. DBs or 95 lb barbell

March Madness 1.0

15 minutes As Many Rounds as possible (AMRAP)

  • 3-Wallwalks or 9 Burpees

  • 12-DB Snatch (6 Each arm)

  • 15- Box Jumps

March Madness 2.0

10’ to complete:

-1 burpee…1 deadlift (135 lbs)
-2 burpees…2 deadlifts
-3 burpees…3 deadlifts
-4 burpees..4 deadlifts
-5 burpees…5 deadlifts
-6 burpees…6 deadlifts
All the way up to 10 burpees…10 deadlifts then
Back down with 9 burpees…9 deadlifts, 8,8…7,7..6,6…etc.

March Madness 4.0

AMRAP 15 minutes

-10 Wall Balls (10 ft height)

-5 Cal Assault Bike

-5 Knees to chest (hanging from Bar)

-5 Box Jumps

=1 round

March Madness 3.0

-20 Pull ups

-100 single unders (jump rope)

-20 Thrusters (25 lb. DB)

-18 Pull Ups

-100 single unders

-18 Thrusters (30 lb. DB)

-16 Pull ups

-100 Single Unders

-16 Thrusters (35 lb. DB)

Kettlebell Madness

12 KB Goblet Squat

12 KB Swing


75' foot KB Goblet Carry

10 KB Goblet Squat

10 KB Swing


75' KB Goblet Carry

8 KB Goblet Squat

8 KB Swing


75' KB Goblet Carry

6 KB Goblet Squat

6 KB Swing


75' KB Goblet Carry

Repeat x's 3


20 pushups--- 1 sit-up-----50 meter run

19 pushups--- 2 Sit-ups----5 calorie assault bike

18 pushups---3 Sit-ups----50 meter run

17 pushups---4 Sit-ups----5 calorie assault bike

16 pushups---5 Sit-ups----50 meter run

15 pushups---6 Sit-ups----5 calorie assault bike

14 pushups---7 Sit-ups----50 meter run

13 pushups---8 Sit-ups----5 cal assault bike

12 pushups---9 Sit-ups----50 meter run

11 pushups---10 Sit-ups----5 cal assault bike

10 pushups---11 Sit-ups----50 meter run

9 pushups--- 12 Sit-ups----5 cal assault bike

8 pushups---13 Sit-ups----50 meter run

7 pushups---14 Sit-ups----5 cal assault bike

6 pushups---15 Sit-ups----50 meter run

5 pushups---16 Sit-ups----5 cal assault bike

4 pushups---17 Sit-ups----50 meter run

3 pushups---18 Sit-ups----5 cal assault bike

2 pushups---19 Sit-ups----50 meter run

1 pushup---20 Sit-ups-----5 cal assault bike

The Pyramid

10 Pull-ups

20 Push-ups

30 Sit-ups

40 Lunges

30 Sit-ups

20 Push-ups

10 Pull-ups

3 Rounds

The Anderson

:40 seconds work

:20 second rest

-Assault Bike

-Multi Grip Pushups


-Pull Ups

-Dumb Bell Rows

X's 6 Rounds

The Dougy

3 rounds for time

-400 meter run

-21 KB Swings

-12 pullups (substitute w/ TRX rows)

Summer Legs

1-800 meter run

4 Rounds:

30 sit-ups

20 Kettle Bell Swings

10 Lunges (each leg)

Finish with 1- 800 meter run.

March Mayday Challenge

*5 rounds of:

  • 10 Calories on Assault Bike/10 pushups

  • 10 Calories on Rower/ 10 airsquats

  • Continuous Ball Slams

  • Continuous burpee box jumps

  • Continuous jump rope

  • planks

*The time is kept by the person rowing and completing the 10 airsquats.  The faster they go the faster everyone is done.

12 Days of Christmas

1) 100 Meter Run

2) 5 pushups

3) 3 Pull-ups

4) 10 air squats

5) 50 meter farmer carry

6) 5 zero count burpees

7) 20 walking lunges

8) 10 Weighted Ball Sit Ups

9) 5 Man Makers

10) 5 TRX Rows

11) 5 calories assault bike

12) 10 Straight Bar Deadlift













Trick or Treat

*Cardio section*

· 6 minutes continuous Cardio (Treadmill, Stairmill, Rower, etc)

*Exercise Section*

· 6 exercises- 40 seconds work-20 second rest for 6 minutes

For Example:

1) Pushups

2) Squats Weighted

3) Bench-Press

4) Abs

5) Pullups

6) Ball Slams

· Once 6 minutes is up, switch Cardio Section with Exercise Section

· X 3

Minute to Win it

E.M.O.M. x’s 5 minutes....1:30 min. break between stations

*10 Calories Assault Bike -5 pushups.....x’s 5

(1:30 break)

*10 Calories Rower -10 airsquats....x’s 5

(1:30 break)

*50 meter run -10 ballslams....x’s 5

(1:30 break)

*5 minutes stairmill

(1:30 break)

*30 second jumprope -3 pullups.... x’s 5

5 min Abdominal finisher:

50 second plank/ 10 second sit ups

40 second plank/20 second sit ups....30/30, 20/40, 10/50

The Stormy

-6 Pushups

-50 meter run

-2 Pull ups

-100 meter Row

-7 Step Ups (each leg)

-5 Calories Assault Bike


Ladder Workout

Ascending and descending repetition pattern (ie: 100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100)

· 100 meter fast jog

o 5 ball slams

o 5 jump squats

o 5 pushups

o 5 Lunges each leg (10 total)

o 5 TRX rows

· 200 meter fast jog

o 10 ball slams

o 10 jump squats

o 10 pushups

o 10 lunges each leg (20 total)

o 10 TRX rows

· 300 meter fast jog

o 15 ball slams

o 15 jump squats

o 15 push ups

o 15 lunges each leg

o 15 TRX rows

· 400 meter fast jog

o 20 ball slams

o 20 jump squats

o 20 pushups

o 20 lunges each leg

o 20 TRX rows

· Then repeat descending exercises (ie: 300, 200, 100)

· Total= 1 mile…80 reps each exercise

Deck of Cards 1.0

52 cards in a deck, each suit represents an exercise, the face number represents the amount of reps, Jack, Queen, King=10 and Ace=1 or 11 (crew decides based on how buff you are feeling)

♥️= push-ups

♣️= Burpees

♦️= air-squat

♠️= jumping jacks

1/2 Murph

  • 1/2 mile run/jog

  • 50 pullups (if pullups are a challenge, have someone spot you or find an equivalent 100 TRX rows, 100 seated rows, etc.)

  • 100 pushups

  • 150 airsquats

  • 1/2 mile run/jog

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